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Optimization Service (JMOS)

Production Information that is More Detailed & More Precise than Ever Before

If you want to stay ahead in today’s market, you have to do what your best competitors have already learned: recognize problems and find the best solutions right away. Our JumboMaster® Optimization Service (JMOS) will help your mill reduce paper tear-offs and increase productivity so you can perform better all the time.

The JMOS provides online or automated email access to a variety of production reports. You choose the period and kind of graphic you’d like to display.

  • Periods: last 12 hours, last 24 hours, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually
  • Graphics: trends, benchmarks, positioning, production filters, histograms, alarms

The JMOS does a complete analysis of your production, right down to the production teams. This tool focuses on all departments from management to operations, including maintenance. The Optimization Service will become a daily work tool for the mill foremen and operators who are in the best position to react quickly to changes in production. Each user can customize reports and graphics to their specific needs. The JMOS also provides a precise portrait of your operating procedures and their resulting constraints; elements which are essentials to define new objectives.